Active skill base duration changed from 10s to 6s.
Active skill cooldown changed from 75s to 90s.
Attack gain reduced from [2, 5] to [2, 4]
Base HP reduced from 100 to 90
HP gain reduced from 21 to 17
The Mesmer:
Base attack gain reduced from [3, 4] to [2, 4]
Gift of Gaben: Gold price bonus reduced from 33% to 25%
The Frost Archer:
Fixed enemy move speed not being affected anymore while frozen
The Wizard:
Attack speed improved from 1.55s to 1.45s
New passive skill: Teaching of Rubicante. Grants +25% / +100% / +200% HP to mages.
The Dark Mage:
Curse now also prevents critical hits and reduces attack by 10% for 1 hit, 20% for 2 hits at EL2, 30% for 3 hits at EL3.
Active Skill will now also curse enemy Heroes temporarily
The Dark Mesmer is now playable (only offline, unlocked once you've beaten difficulty 11 for the map you chose)
Golden Archers:
Health reduced from 2500 to 2000
Range slightly reduced from 125 to 120
Advanced Defenders:
Cannot be charmed anymore
Merchant: buying merchant levels will now give every archers +10% extra HP per levels. (this includes Golden Archers, but excludes Attackers and Defenders)
Wizard Tree: only one wizard will be summoned in Lava maps now (was 2), but the production time is halved
Strategic Map: Health reduced from 300 to 70
Healing Fountain : Health reduced from 350 to 200
Healing Fountain 2 now has the same price as regular healing fountains (from 0 to 850)
Blessings :
Blessing of the Sun:
Gold malus reduced from 35% to 25%
Fixed / removed -75% healing malus
Blessing of the Moon:
Lifesteal now give at least 1 HP if damage is above 0.
Added ingame chat
Players will receive a message when someone disconnects midgame
Hosts can now set up a password for private games
Hosts can now customize their room's name
It is not needed anymore to tap "Refresh" to see newly hosted games
Fixed Valkyrie's skill sometimes triggering multiple times at once, making her summon hundreds of troops
Fixed buying levels from merchant not being synchronized properly
Fixed Blessing from previous game affecting multiplayer. Multiplayer will have no blessing.
Nirv The Wizard's AI won't wait anymore for the enemies to reach his base to use his activeskill
AI above level 5 will now be using active skills much more often
When an AI above level 7 is using an active skill that has a duration (such as Berserker), it will be more aggressive and stop fleeing
AI above level 9 will now try to use skills at a better timing
AI will now pick a blessing instead of always getting the Turtle one
Every active skill now have its own icon
Blessings now have icons.
Added a new Auto Attack option. When turned on, player's hero will automatically attack enemies in range and chase the those who attack him.
Volcano 8:
Fixed position 3 AI being able to build at the north west of position 7
Fixed position 5, 6, 7, 8 being allies instead of being 5 and 7 vs 6 vs 6 and 8
Fixed game crashing when loading a difficulty 11 game or when one team had no structure
Heroes from a defeated King will now have +150% respawn time (was +100%)
AI Heroes from a defeated King will not spawn anymore if their allies have also been defeated.
AI ally will now be stronger on high difficulties.
Player now won't be able to move or build structures during cutscenes (attackers deployement, etc)
Fixed charmed units sometimes getting lost
Fixed glitchy bows floating in the air without wielders
Fixed victory text not being completely white on certain maps