Version 5.9
Posted onBalance:
- EL2 Archers: HP Reduced from 150 to 125
- EL3 Archers: HP Reduced from 300 to 250
- Attackers will not deal an extra 150% damage to the king anymore
- King damage on hero reduced by 75% when difficulty is under 5
- Village Map: Alliances will be kept when difficulty is above 7 instead of fighting 3v1. At difficulty 11, it will be 1v1.
- Valkyrie:
- Improved base attack from [6, 8] to [10, 12]
- Improved attack range from 80 to 90
- Sacred Bow: Improved size of damage area
- Replicant:
- Base speed slowed from 80 to 70
- Thousand blades skill will not apply to defenders or attackers anymore
- Sword launch delay improved from 1.5s to 0.5s (swords will now attack faster)
- Mesmer:
- Attack speed slowed from 0.4s to 0.5s
- Great Mesmer Form attack speed slowed from 0.2 to 0.25s
- Phantom:
- Improved attack speed from 0.5s to 0.38s
- Tank:
- Chances to block attack will now be affected by EL. Instead of 25% block, it will now be:
- EL1: 7%
- EL2: 17%
- EL3: 35%
- Wizard:
- Teleportation now requires EL3.
- New passive skill: Destruction. Inflicts 500% damage on structures.
- Turtle:
- Attack range improved from 5% to 15%
- Unit base HP improved from 10% to 20%
- Wind:
- Attack speed improved from 5% to 15%
- Improved healing fountain range from +20% to +35%
- Improved multiplayer connectivity and synchronization
- Fixed Host sometimes marked as "Not Ready"
- Multiplayer is now also available for devices that have an android version lower than 4.4
- Fixed "Player Name" button being off on some devices
- Enemy Kings attack range will now be visible. If a king is targetting the player, the circle will turn red as a warning.
- Kings will cancel their attack if an enemy leaves their sight quickly
- Kings will be a little less aggressive to heroes
- Improved structure placement visiblity
- Improved HP diplay when zoomed out, especially with Valkyrie's Truesight
- Projectiles will stop following their target after 3 seconds. (does not apply on Swords and Arbalest)
- Added a sound when arrows are blocked / deal 0 damage. 0 Damage will be displayed as text "block!" instead of hidden.
- Updated Attacker sprite
- Attacker's first spawn will now add a small cutscene in single player
- Attackers will now trigger a new end game music (The Last Stand, by Grégoire Lourme)
- Improved Structure Build menu:
- Added a short description directly under the structure button
- More structures are now displayed
- Removed pagination. Instead, you can now scroll inside it.
- Moved structures long description to the top of the screen. It will now be visible for very small resolutions too.
- Ingame menu size for 720p screens is now bigger
- Slightly improved performance
- Fixed Healing foutain heal color turning into white when leaving the Healing area
- Fixed The Helper sometimes moving very slowly after retreating
- Fixed units being unable to attack anymore and sometimes getting lost after chasing an enemy unit that successfuly fled, especially for The Helper
- Fixed Replicant's swords not appearing correctly, especially in Very High settings
- Fixed shadows disappearing after building a Strategic Map with Very High graphics
- Fixed heroes moonwalking after buying merchants
- Fixed units sometimes stopping moving for nos reason
- Fixed particles being also displayed at bottom left of the map
- Fixed particles issues with gold and sacred arrows
- Fixed structures on rare occasions being invisible
- Fixed Heroes, Attackers and Efraim's clones sometimes being invisible
- Fixed map weather effects not displaying in multiplayer
Version 5.9b :
- Added buttons to move structure precisely
- Improved Defender range
- Fixed King range's being displayed at the wrong location for a moment during cutscenes
- Improved Attacker music
- Fixed Soul of Helper disappearing after 3 seconds