Update III
Posted onStarrows v 3.0 / 3.1 full changelog
Frost Archer
- Added heroes. Each hero have its own stats and skills. There are 5 heroes :
- More informations about their stats and abilities is available ingame.
The default hero has been removed. - Added active skills that are triggerable via a button. Each hero have its own active skill which has a special effect :
- Frost Archer : freezes every enemy unit.
- Mesmer : converts enemy units into an allied unit, heals allies and boost their attack speed.
- Phantom Assassin : a critical hit that will deal 5000 damage.
- Tank : heals every ally, including the king, and make them invincible for a short period of time.
- Wizard : stops time for everyone else and boosts movement speed. Can also teleport.
- Added passive skills which can have multiple effects. Again, each hero have its own passive skill(s), here is a sum up :
- Frost Archer : runs faster on snowy maps, can attack 2 targets at the same time, freeze his targets, making their movement and attack speed slower.
- Mesmer : each structure price is reduced by 33%.
- Phantom : can move through terrain, cannot be seen while not targeting an enemy.
- Tank : each death adds HP, and it can go beyond maximum hp limit. Enemy killed by the Tank himself will give him more hp and increase his max HP pool. Has a long bow, can attack from far. Can build healing fountain II.
- Wizard : Reflect damage, can target structures, can attack multiple targets.
- The AI will now also have an enemy hero. Killing an enemy hero grants 300% bonus gold.
- The defenders will also receive the hero's weapon.
- Added quick save. You can save a game and load it later, once loaded the save will automatically be cleared. If you start a new game without loading, it will also clear the previous save.
- It is now possible to modifiy any options directly ingame
- It is now possible to select a map. There are 2 maps for now, normal and snowy.
- New ingame GUI, it is now displaying the current level and experience
- There are now more levels of zoom available.
- The Helper's skin has been changed, since the previous Helper is now available to play (Mesmer).
- The player will now automatically attack another enemy in range if his current target died.
- Prevented the game from going to sleep mode automatically.
- It is now possible to build structures from anywhere (they still have to be placed inside the base).
Changes / Tweaks
- Improved overall performances.
- Rebalanced every unit. They now deal less damage overall and take more time to be created since they should stay longer in the battlefield.
- Improved pathfinding.
- The AI can now rebuild its destroyed structures after a while.
- Critical hit chances when leveling up +1%. Was 3%.
- Leveling up will give stats depending on the hero you've chosen. These stats are also applied to the helper unit in low difficulties.
- Normal and swowy maps were edited so the top base has as much space as bottom base.
- Changed strategic map sprite and collision, it is now smaller.
- All soldiers now have more range.
- Frost arrows are now more effective and will also slow down the target's attack speed.
- Reworked Hall of Heroes. Renamed to Hall of Defense. It will always be at maximum level from now, but the guards won't spawn instantly. Instead, they will take time to spawn depending on their respecting own level. The first defender will spawn quickly, the second one will take more time but will be stronger, and so on until defender #10:
- If a defender is killed, a new one of the same level will be rehired automatically by the Hall of Defense.
- Hall of Defense can now be placed anywhere in the base ; defender pathfinding has been improved.
- Improved collisions with Healing Fountains.
- Healing Fountains have new particles that is showing the actual range of the heal.
- Most of the sprites have been slightly modified.
- The camera now moves smoothly to the king instead of teleporting there when the game is won/lost.
- Improved gold display.
- Changed the GUI main font and added additional fonts.
- Changed most of GUI's icons.
- Default zoom level value is now stored.
- Basic Archery : the first archer is now trained 75% faster.
- Merchant will now give respectively 3 and 6 levels upon construction to the team's hero.
- Hits above 70 are now displayed bigger. Critical hits aren't displayed as [critical] anymore, instead they're also bigger.
- Minimap has been improved to display structures more accurately.
- Defender kills will give +50% gold.
- Fixed projectile sounds being played when they were too far. The zoom level is now also taken into account.
- Fixed experimental mode not working on most devices. Renamed to Very High (beta) - it should be working fine on most devices now.
- Fixed AI building structures in a location where it would overlap other structures
- Fixed AI fountains not working
- Fixed minor visual glitches on normal map
- Fixed structures previews not being displayed anymore since last update
- Minimap will not be displayed anymore when its structure is destroyed
- Removed a forgotten feature that made every unit have 1 chance out of 15 to deal double damage.
- Fixed sell and repair buttons appearing in front of main GUI buttons.
- Fixed animations being displaying incorrectly under certains circumstances.
- Fixed units not looking at the correct direction under certain circumstances.
- Hit damage is now properly centered on high density screens.
- Fixed wizards dealing double damage under certain circumstances.
- On easy mode AI will not buy golden archeries anymore.
- Fixed typos.
- Fixed crashes that could happen in some countries due do weird parsing.
- Upgraded to latest LibGDX version - devices that are not compatible with openGL ES 1.x are not supported anymore.